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Maggie Grace Cast In Breaking Dawn

Psst! This post contains slight spoilers about Twilight: Breaking Dawn! If you haven’t read the books and don’t know what happens, consider yourself warned.
On Lost, Maggie Grace played Shannon, the bitchy, sunbathing brat whose brother died and eventually gets killed herself. It was just announced that Grace has been cast in Twilight: Breaking Dawn as Irina, the bitchy vampire whose lover died and eventually gets killed herself. (So she had good reason to be bitchy, but still, she seriously put a damper on Edward and Bella’s plans for eternal love for a while.)
Of course, the similarities end there so this isn’t actually just typecasting. On Lost, Grace was just a spoiled rich kid who was only useful when someone needed something translated from French to English. In Twilight, she’s the focal point for the entire second half of the book and the story hinges on her after she makes accusations about Edward and Bella’s baby, Renesmée. While Grace isn’t who we pictured for the role, we think it’s an interesting choice. What say you, Twilight fans? Do you think she can bring what’s needed (vengeance, sparkliness, spying skills) to the role?
On Lost, Maggie Grace played Shannon, the bitchy, sunbathing brat whose brother died and eventually gets killed herself. It was just announced that Grace has been cast in Twilight: Breaking Dawn as Irina, the bitchy vampire whose lover died and eventually gets killed herself. (So she had good reason to be bitchy, but still, she seriously put a damper on Edward and Bella’s plans for eternal love for a while.)
Of course, the similarities end there so this isn’t actually just typecasting. On Lost, Grace was just a spoiled rich kid who was only useful when someone needed something translated from French to English. In Twilight, she’s the focal point for the entire second half of the book and the story hinges on her after she makes accusations about Edward and Bella’s baby, Renesmée. While Grace isn’t who we pictured for the role, we think it’s an interesting choice. What say you, Twilight fans? Do you think she can bring what’s needed (vengeance, sparkliness, spying skills) to the role?
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